Mark Metsar aka Scxtt Beats is a 22 years old producer and beat maker from Estonia and we’re thrilled by his music and excited to tell you more about it!

In january 2019 he started taking beat-making more seriously and ended up working with both Rap artists as well as R&B singers as his style oscillates between Hip Hop (perfect for Rap) and a unique tempo that makes each song a top choice, entertaining and easy to listen along with the rest but keeping it Old School while being modern at the same time.

”Is like he designed his catalogue thinking about the whole, and not only one single”

Songs like ”Lights” have captured the ears of listeners around platforms, getting him a big audience on places like Instagram.

Now, a new beat inspires change, like an artist evolving into a new path taking the best of his genre and his success into a more refined style that keeps being loyal to himself but offers differences to bring more value to his fans.

The change of rhythm and blend of genres with his own is just a huge next step on his career and seeing his sound vary in such ways is letting fans know about something bigger.

Instagram: @scxttbeats